Working towards Hunger free Community

Community Enabling
February 12, 2023

Swabhimaan aims to address one of the most pressing issues facing our world today: HUNGER. Our goal is to provide food and sustenance to those who are in need, and to work towards a world where no one goes hungry.


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Every evening at 8pm one can see a long queue lined up at the busiest bus station, Kalasipalya collecting food for themselves.

The people collecting food are largely passengers visiting in and out of Bangalore who may have not had dinner or the caregivers or attendees of patients at the Victoria hospital who have come across various cities, States or countries who have absolutely no option for dinner or lunch.

Considering their difficulties,Swabhimaan took initiation to provide freshly cooked food for these people.
Today about 500 people collect food every single that ie. 365 days in a a year.

We are committed to improving the lives of those in need and work towards a hunger-free world.